Tailor-made solutions for your EMC problems
As an EMC laboratory for automotive and high-voltage drive systems, we can support you throughout the entire development process for your components. Our range of services extends from studies and performance specifications and preliminary consultation right through to the development of EMC with our customers and the qualification of their products.

Battery measurement
We support you in battery measurement – from battery development to their EMC qualification and acceptance to type approval.

Charging system without EMC interference
Mooser can test all your charging systems, including onboard chargers, wallboxes and outdoor chargepoints.

Components measurement
Mooser provides EMC testing services for both sensors and control units (also known as ECUs) to ensure that both components function with complete reliability.

Tailor-made test bench concept for high-voltage electric drive systems: the Mooser eCHAMBER® The eCHAMBER® sets new standards with its innovative drive concept, revolutionary measuring methods

EMC consultancy
Mooser specialises in EMC measurements. Our comprehensive consultancy on all aspects of EMC throughout your project is the key to your success.

EMC measurements of semiconductors
In our laboratories, we carry out EMC measurements of semiconductors in accordance with all the worldwide standards and guidelines. We can determine whether microelectronic components are emitting electromagnetic interference or are susceptible to interference from external sources.

Fuel cell measurement
We support development engineers in this work by providing tailor-made measuring concepts and type approvals for the electric and electronic components in the fuel cells.

High voltage measurement
Numerous innovative measuring methods and measuring cabins help the engineers at Mooser to reliably detect and eliminate electromagnetic interference in high-voltage vehicle electrical systems.

Reverberation chamber
We test sensors and controllers under changeable electromagnetic conditions in our accredited reverberation chamber, which provides chaotic electromagnetic conditions and delivers clear results.

Shield effectiveness measurement
Mooser tackles the topic of EMC comprehensively and consistently. On the one hand, we identify measures to reduce emissions of interference or increase immunity to external interference in electrical and electronic components and systems and, on the other hand, we evaluate protective covers that function as passive shielding elements.

At Mooser, the suppression of electronic components is an integral part of the portfolio. Use this unique know-how to start early towards series production.

Technical service
Mooser has been appointed as a Technical Service for type approvals according to Regulation ECE R10.