EMC consultancy as the basis for your success

Mooser specialises in EMC measurements. Our comprehensive consultancy on all aspects of EMC throughout your project is the key to your success.

Because we share our knowledge about EMC measurements and type approvals with you, your project will reach its goal better and faster.

EMC consultancy for project success

From beginning to end

We all rely on advice every day, for example when buying a car, booking a holiday or choosing the right tool. At Mooser, we understand the importance of well-informed, unbiased consultancy on EMC testing and type approvals. This is why we aim to provide you with comprehensive, reliable advice about every aspect of your project. It begins with simple tips about the small challenges you face in your work and goes on to include detailed EMC consultancy relating to a testing or development project or even contractual consultancy services.

Appropriate advice for every challenge

We are there to help when things get difficult. For example when your electrical or electronic component emits interference at unidentifiable frequencies. We work with you to find the sources of the interference, eliminate them and give you tips about how you can prevent this kind of problem from happening in the first place.

We will also be happy to draw up a test plan for EMC measurements of your components. Or during the test preparation phase, for example, we can show you which simulations, peripherals and connections you need for the measurement process

From individual cases to process consultancy

Perhaps you have relatively little experience of EMC phenomena, testing, standards and regulations? Then we can demonstrate how you can best prepare your components for EMC measurements, introduce you to the issues relating to standards and guide you step-by-step through a manufacturer’s qualification or type approval process.

Type approvals for the German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) in particular are often highly intensive and complex because of the many individual steps involved. Because we are certified as a Technical Service by the KBA, our type approval specialists can provide you with expert guidance, from preparing the necessary documents and carrying out the EMC measurements through to drawing up and submitting the expert report.

Good advice on EMC testing and type approvals is important, but of course it is not everything. Only when it is combined with our EMC measurement expertise and our highly sophisticated and, in some cases, unique measurement chambers can we offer a complete service that will speed up the pace of your development process and bring your electrical or electronic components up to production readiness quickly and reliably.

This unique service also includes personal contact. One of our experienced engineers will act as your consultant He will provide support for the project from beginning to end. He functions as your single point of contact, coordinating all the internal services that you need for a successful result and giving you friendly hints where necessary.

Frequently asked Questions

EMC tests usually involve a wide range of measurements of electrical and electronic components that we can discuss with you in detail. But the added value comes when we provide consultancy during the upstream and downstream phases. How can I improve my components before the test to achieve better results? How can I prepare the components to make the tests simpler and faster? How can I work together with Mooser to ensure that the components pass through the necessary qualification and approval processes more quickly? Which pitfalls and minor obstacles could delay the successful completion of the project?

Because of our decades of experience of EMC testing, we can give you well-informed advice and tips in many of these areas to ensure that we both achieve success.

Jakob Mooser GmbH

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We are happy to help you directly:

Jakob Mooser GmbH
Amtmannstraße 5a
D-82544 Egling/Thanning

Phone: +49 (0)8176/92250
Fax: +49 (0)8176/92252


Mooser EMC Technik GmbH
Osterholzallee 140.3
D-71636 Ludwigsburg

Phone: +49 (0)7141/64826-0
Fax: +49 (0)7141/64826-11
